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:: ToPiC ::

Thursday, March 25, 2010

-pOkOk JaGuNg-

  • Binomial Name : Zea Mays
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Poales
  • Family : Poaceae
  • Genus : Zea
  • Species : Z. mays

  1. Starch from maize can also be made into plastics, fabrics, adhesives, and many other chemical products.
  2. Stigmas from female maize flowers, known popularly as corn silk, are sold as herbal supplements.
  3. The corn steep liquor, a plentiful watery by product of maize wet mailing process, is widely used in the biochemical industry and research as a culture medium to grow many kinds of microorganisms.


  • Binomial Name : Ixora coccinea
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Gentianales
  • Family : Rubiceae
  • Genus : Ixora
  • Species : I. coccinea

  1. Ixora is a genus of 527 species in the family Rubiceae, consisting of tropical evergreen trees and shrubs.
  2. Plants posses lathery leaves, ranging from 3 to 6 inches in length and produce large clusters of tiny flowers in the summer.
  3. Members of Ixora prefer acidic soil and are suitable choices for bonsai.


  • Binomial Name : Hydrangea macrophylla
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Cornales
  • Family : Hydrangeaceae
  • Genus : Hydrangea
  • Species : H. macrophylla

  1. Can be either deciduous or evergreen.
  2. Produced from early spring to late autumn.
  3. Grow in flowerheads (corymbs or panicles) at the end of the stems.
  4. In most species the flowers are white, but in some species (notably H. macrophylla) can be blue, red, pink, light purple, or dark purple.
  5. In these species the exact colour often mirror the pH or the soil; acidic soils produce blue flowers, neutral soils produce very pale cream petals, and alkaline soils results in pink or purple. This is caused by a color change of the flower pigments in the presence of aluminium ions which can be taken up into hyperaccumulating plants.
  6. Popular ornamental plants.

-aJuGa RePtAnS-

  • Binomial Name : Ajuga reptans
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Lamiales
  • Family : Lamiaceae
  • Genus : Ajuga
  • Species : A. reptans

  1. Also known as Blue Bugle, Bugleherb, Bugleweed, Carpetweed and Common Bugle.
  2. Herbaceous flowering plant.
  3. Dark green leaves with purple highlights.
  4. A spreading ground cover that grows in a dense mat.
  5. Often uses in medicinal and ornamental plant.


  • Binomial Name : Euphorbia pulcherrima
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Malpighiales
  • Family : Euphorbiaceae
  • Genus : Euphorbia
  • Species : E. pulcherrima

  1. Euphorbia pulcherrima commonly known as poisenttia is a species of flowering plant indigenous to Mexico.
  2. It is a shrubs or small tree, typically reaching a height of 0.6 to 4 meter.
  3. The colored bracts which are most open flaming red but can be orange, pale green, cream, pink, white or marbled are actually leaves.
  4. The colors come from fotoperiodism meaning that they require darkness for 12 hours at a time to change color.

-aMeRiCaN dAiSy-

  • Binomial Name : Bellis perennis
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Asterales
  • Family : Asteraceae
  • Genus : Bellis
  • Species : B. perennis

  1. It is a herbaceous plant with short creeping rhizomes and small rounded or spoon shaped evergreen leaves 2-5 cm long, grows closed to ground.
  2. Has astringent properties and has been used in folk medicine.
  3. In ancient rome the surgeons who accompanied roman legions in to battle would order their slaves to pick sacks full of daisies in order to extract their juice. Bandage were soaked in this juice and would then be used to bind sword and spear cuts.

-pOkOk DaUn SeMuN-

  • Binomial Name : Asplenium nidus
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Dennstaedtiales
  • Genus : Asplenium
  • Species : A. nidus

  1. Asplenium nidus, or Bird's-Nest Fern, is native to Tropical Asia.
  2. It is a spectacular, epiphytic fern with apple green fronds that will reach up to 20-60 inches (50-150 cm) long by 8 inches (20 cm) wide.
  3. As the fronds age, they have a prominent blackish midrib. They make outstanding container plants and are very showy. Spores develop on the underside of fronds in long lines known as coenosori.
  4. It is also known as Wugus, an aboriginal name, in Taiwan. Furthermore, its sprout is edible and a very popular vegetable food in Taiwan.

-tAnDuK kIjAnG-

  • Binomial Name : Platycerium ridleyi
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Polypodiales
  • Family : Polypidiaceae
  • Genus : Platycerium
  • Species : P. ridleyi

  1. Platycerium ridleyi is one of the most striking and beautiful platycerium. It is difficult to grow. This species grows very high in trees.
  2. Platycerium ridleyi and Platycerium coronarium are found together, it is always above the coronarium.
  3. Subject to rots and other diseases, and a favorite of many plant eating pests. One problem is that this is a solitary species. This means that, if an insect eats the bud, the plant will die.
  4. Platycerium ridleyi and Platycerium coronarium make a single fertile lobe on each frond. They are the only platycerium species that do this.

-PaKiS tAnDuK rUsA-

  • Binomial Name : Platycerium Wallihi
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Polypodiales
  • Genus : Platycerium
  • Species : P. wallihi

  1. One of the giant staghorns from India and Southeast Asia, is very difficult to grow.
  2. Experiences a prolonged dry season, which is survives by growing dormant.
  3. Some successful growers allow Platycerium wallichii to become completely dormant.
  4. Most water enough to keep the plant from dormancy. Very few growers maintain this species for very long.
  5. Platycerium wallichii typically makes two spore patches, one on the main lobe of the fertile frond, and the other raised.
  6. It makes beautiful, light green shields, which usually turn brown as the fertile fronds mature. These fronds show some irregularities, but for a challenging species, it is a pretty nice plant.


  • Binomial Name : Petunia Integrifolia
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Solanales
  • Family : Solanaceae
  • Genus : Petunia
  • Species : P. integrifolia

  1. Has a somewhat weedy habit, spreading stem with upright tips and small lavender to purple flowers.
  2. Petunias are generally insect pollinated with the exception of P. exserta, which is a rare red flowered, humming bird pollinated species.
  3. Most petunias are diploid with 14 chromosomes and are infertile with other petunia species.


  • Binomial Name : Morinda Citrifolia
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Gentianales
  • Genus : Morinda
  • Species : M. Citrifolia

  1. Noni fruit powder is high in carbohydrates and dietary fiber.
  2. According to the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources at the University of Hawaii, a hundred gram sample of the powder contains 71% carbohydrates and 36% fiber.
  3. The sample also contained 5.2% protein and 1.2% fat.
  4. It is traditionally used to treat menstrual cramps, bowel irregularities, urinary tract infections, anti-inflammation, acne reduction and moisture retention.


  • Binomial Name : Piper Betle
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Piperales
  • Family : Piperaceae
  • Genus : Piper
  • Spesies : P. betle

  1. In India, betle is used to cast out (cure) worms.
  2. According to traditional Ayurvedic medicine , chewing areca nut and betle leaves is a good remedy against bad breath (halitosis).
  3. They are also said to have aphrodisiac properties.
  4. In Malaysia, they are used to treat headache arthritis and joint pain.
  5. In the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and China, they are used to relieve tooth ache.


  • Binomial Name : Chrysanthemum indicum
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Asterales
  • Family : Asteraceae
  • Genus : Chrysanthemum
  • Species : C. indicum

  1. Chrysanthemum first cultivated in China as a flowering herb as far back as the 15th century BC.
  2. Yellow or white chrysanthemum flowers are boiled to make a sweet drink in some part of Asia.
  3. Resulting beverage is known simply as chrysanthemum tea.
  4. Chrysanthemum tea has many medicinal uses including an aid in recovery from influenza.

-BuNgA rAyA-

  • Binomial Name : Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Malvales
  • Family : Malvaceae
  • Genus : Hibiscus
  • Species : H. rosa-sinensis

  1. It is widely grown as an ornamental plant through out the tropics and subtropics.
  2. The flowers are large, generally red in the original varieties, and firm, but generally lack any scent.
  3. Numerous varieties, cultivars and hiybrids are available with flower colors ranging from white through yellow and orange to scarlet and shades of pink with both single and double sets of petals.


  • Binomial Name : Phalaenopsis amabilis
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Asparagales
  • Family : Orchidaceae
  • Genus : Phalaenopsis
  • Species : P. amabilis

  1. It was discovered on a small island of the East Cost of New Guinea by native botanist, Georgius Evrhardus Rumphius in 1653.
  2. This species is usually found in the eastern to southern regions of Asia.
  3. Like most of the others species in this genus it has a short stem. This is believed to be an adaptation to gain the light requirements needed to grow.
  4. It is able to bloom for a long period of time and can grow up to 10 cm in diameter and more.


  • Binomial Name : Cymbopogon flexuosus
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Poales
  • Family : Poaceae
  • Genus : Cymbopogon
  • Species : C. flexuosus

  1. Lemon grass is native to India.
  2. It is widely used as herbs in Asian cuisine.
  3. It has a citrus flavor and can be dried and powdered or used fresh.
  4. Lemon grass is commonly used in teas, sups and curries.
  5. It is also suitable for poultry, fish and seafood.
  6. Research also shows that lemon grass oil has anti-fungal properties.
  7. It is supposed to help with relieving cough, nasal, congestion and cancer.


  • Binomial Name : Pandanus amaryllifolius
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Pandanales
  • Family : Pandanaceae
  • Genus : Pandanus
  • Species : P. amaryllifolius

  1. The plant is rare in the wild but cultivated widely for use as a flavoring in cooking.
  2. The leaves are used fresh or wilted, and are commercially available in frozen form in Asian grocery stores in nations where the plant does not grow.
  3. They may be tied in a bunch and cooked with the food.
  4. The leaves are also used as a flavoring for desserts such as pandan cake and sweet beverages.

-mIsAi KuCiNg-

  • Binomial Name : Orthosiphon stamineus
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Phylum : Magnoliophyta
  • Class : Magnoliopsyda
  • Order : Lamiales
  • Genus : Orthosiphon
  • Species : O. stamineus

  1. Misai Kucing is used for treating the ailments of the kidney, since it has a mild diuretic effect.
  2. It is also claimed to have anti-allergenic, anti-hypertensive and anti-inflammatory properties, and is commonly used for kidney stones and nephritis.
  3. Orthosiphon is sometimes used to treat gout, diabetes, hypertension and rheumatism.
  4. It is reportedly effective for anti-fungal and anti-bacterial purposes.

:: Vascular Plants ::


  • Also known as tracheophytes or higher plants.
  • They have lignified tissues for conducting water, minerals and photosynthetic products through the plant.
  • Include the ferns, clubmosses, flowering plants, conifers and other gymnosperms.
  • Vascular plants have vascular tissues, which circulate resources through the plant. This feature allows vascular plants to evolve to a larger size than non-vascular plants, which lack this specialized conducting tissues and are therefore restricted to relatively small sizes.
  • Examples of Vascular Plants :

:: Non-vascular Plants ::


  • The simplest of all land dwelling plants.
  • Like their closest ancestors, the green algae, they lack an internal means for water transportation.
  • Do not produce seeds or flowers.
  • They generally only reach a height of one to two centimeters, because the lack the woody tissue necessary for support and land.
  • Examples for Non-vascular Plants :

:: Dicotyledon Plants ::

  • The largest group of fruiting plants is the dicotyledons.
  • Dicotyledon plants have two seed leaves, or cotyledons, in the embryo contained in the seed.
  • Typically have broad leaves containing a network of veins.
  • Their roots usually have a tap root.
  • Generally they are woody plants.
  • Examples of Dicotyledon Plants :

:: Monocotyledon Plants ::

  • A flowering plant characterized by embrio sporophytes having one cotyledon.
  • Its floral parts in threes (or multiples of three) and often parallel-veined leaves.
  • Monocots evolved from a single ancestor, and are younger than dicots, from which they are probably branched off, as recent genetic research has shown. They evolved 100-120 millions years ago, shortly after the flowering plant explosion.
  • Examples of Monocotyledon Plants :

Sunday, March 21, 2010

~Plant Evolution~

  • A plant is an organism in the kingdom Plantae. According to the five-kingdom classification system used by most biologist.
  • Plants have following characteristics :
  1. Plants are multicellular during part of life.
  2. Plants are eukaryotic (in their cell have nuclei).
  3. Plants reproduce sexually.
  4. Plants have chloroplast with chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b and carotenoids as photosynthetic pigments.
  5. Plants have cell walls with cellulose (a complex carbohydrate).
  6. Plants have life cycle with alternation of a sporophyte phase and a gametophyte phase.
  7. Plants develop organs which become specialized for photosynthesis, reproduction or mineral uptake.
  8. Most live on land during their life cycle.

Variety Of Plants

  • Plants can be divided according to their characteristics. As for example, we used to have :