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:: ToPiC ::

Thursday, March 25, 2010

-PaKiS tAnDuK rUsA-

  • Binomial Name : Platycerium Wallihi
  • Kingdom : Plantae
  • Order : Polypodiales
  • Genus : Platycerium
  • Species : P. wallihi

  1. One of the giant staghorns from India and Southeast Asia, is very difficult to grow.
  2. Experiences a prolonged dry season, which is survives by growing dormant.
  3. Some successful growers allow Platycerium wallichii to become completely dormant.
  4. Most water enough to keep the plant from dormancy. Very few growers maintain this species for very long.
  5. Platycerium wallichii typically makes two spore patches, one on the main lobe of the fertile frond, and the other raised.
  6. It makes beautiful, light green shields, which usually turn brown as the fertile fronds mature. These fronds show some irregularities, but for a challenging species, it is a pretty nice plant.